Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let's play catch up (according to my iPhone)...

Well we've survived our first year in the rain and in grad school!  Can I get a woot woot?!  Oregon has been good to us and kept us very busy.  School consumes our lives and when we're not studying we're exploring the beautiful Northwest.  I'm in the midst of my summer semester and DJ is off to his first clinical rotation.  Here are some of the things that have occupied our time since last summer.

Pumpkin patches and corn mazes in October

DJ was in charge of roasting our turkey for a Thanksgiving with friends in November

And crafted this gem for his ugly sweater party at school in December 

December also included a wedding in Utah...

hiking in Arizona...

and birthday celebrations!

January brought us a taste of the south at "The Screen Door"

and the delicacy of French pastries at "Pix Patisserie".

February brought visitors who came to stay (so happy to be his neighbor again!)

and visitors who didn't stay long enough!

May brought more visitors and a trip to the coast

(+ the Tillamook Cheese Factory)

June also brought visitors (if you can't tell we LOVE visitors!!!)

2013 was good to us and we're both excited to see what 2014 will bring.  We miss Arizona, but we're still loving our adventure here in Oregon.