Monday, January 9, 2012


There never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish all that I need to and then all that I want to.  Blogging goes into the "want to" category, hence the reason why I haven't updated the blog in months.  I'm hoping to not let that happen again and to finally get the hang of this whole blogging thing.  Even though I haven't been blogging, life has still been going on and lots has happened!

First off, DJ got accepted to PA school!!!  We couldn't be more excited!  We will be moving to Oregon in May where he will start school at Pacific University.  I'm so dang proud of him and knew he would have no trouble getting in once he was interviewed.  You can't help falling in love with him when you meet him and I knew the people of Hillsboro, Oregon would be no different.  We're excited to embark on a new journey and continue to accomplish our goals.

How could you not love this face?!

Second, Mason is on his mission!  Can't believe December 7th came so fast!!  We dropped Elder Price off at the airport and said goodbye for two years (yes there were lots of tears).  We miss having him around, but I'm so happy for him.  He has written a few letters and says he's doing great and loving the MTC.  He says the language is hard, but that he's already learned A LOT.  I'm so proud of him and know he's where he needs to be, doing the Lord's work.

Next on the list,  we had a fabulous holiday season (from Halloween to New Years)!  The holidays always seem to fly by and they were no different this year. 

If you can't tell we were Flinn Ryder and Rapunzel for Halloween (DJ sewed his own costume)

Our ward put on "The Grinch" for our Christmas party.  Guess who played the star of the show??

This little boy has been my favorite lately!

For Christmas we got my mom and Dave a cardboard cutout of Mason!  It's hilarious and awesome!  They loved it and have been brainstorming lots of photo opportunities in the near future.

It's a new year with new goals and new adventures!  I can't wait to see what 2012 brings!

This 10 lb. Christmas gift from the hubby is definitely the perfect start to my new years resolution of obtaining a six-pack...